(Support, Thank, Admire, and Respect our Staff!)

Welcome back everyone! The hospitality committee will be taking over the STARS Program this year and we are excited to bring this wonderful program to even more staff members this year! Families who sign up will be assigned to a staff member to provide a small monthly gift ($5 - $20) to brighten up their day. The identity of the family is meant to be a fun secret until the end of the year when you will make your reveal!

In an effort to recruit more families to participate in our STARS Program, we are making a few modifications to shorten the number of gift giving months and make gift giving as easy as possible. Our first month of gifts will be October, followed by November. We will take a pause for the month of December, as we all know how hectic if can be getting gifts for our children’s teachers, families and friends. The final gift and family reveal will occur in April to allow families more time/resources for Staff Appreciation Week in May and end of year gifts in June. This comes out to a total of 6 months/gifts.

Families can sponsor as many staff members as they would like. Families can also share a teacher with another family. You can even have your neighborhood/bus stop join together to sponsor a teacher or two! A questionnaire will be sent to staff members to fill out to help give you gift giving ideas. Questions will include their favorite places to eat out/order in, snack/drink preferences, favorite hobbies, sports teams, holidays, colors, etc.

You can be as creative with your gifts as you like, or make it as simple as picking up 6 different gift cards over a weekend and being set for the whole year! If you would like to sponsor a teacher, please sign up using the link below by September 26th. Thank you in advance for helping continue this great program and spread some joy throughout the school!

STARS Program Family Sign Up