Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We welcome all new and returning families to the Ilchester Elementary School community.

The Ilchester Elementary PTA is an integral part of the IES family. We provide feedback, supplement the school’s budget in key ways, and host memorable events throughout the school year. All of this requires the support, hard work, and dedication of our parents. Each one of us has different skills, talents, and resources that are needed. We all want the very best education and experience for our children and we can achieve that by coming together as a community. Please get involved! You will not regret it!

How do we do it all? With your help!

Join the PTA
The PTA provides us with the forum and tools to collectively influence the decisions that affect our children. Click here to join today.

We can’t do it without you! Your entire donation stays with us and funds all the educational and fun activities we plan for our children, staff, and families. Please give what you can.

Attend meetings
PTA meetings offer open and transparent two-way conversations between Ilchester parents and our school’s hardworking teachers and staff. Join us to support your child’s education and to learn more about ways you can participate at your own pace. Monthly meetings are scheduled for the following dates and are held in the Ilchester Media Center:

Ilchester Elementary School's PTA Membership